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2018-05-16 SB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– May 16, 2018 – 2:30 PM– Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan & Karen Cruise w/ TA Nina Nazarian and Road Advisory Committee Chair Bill Holder present.

2:32 PM  Richy opened the meeting in the Town Hall Annex.

Route 140 Order of Taking – Nina presented the Route 140 Order of Taking to be voted and signed.

ACTION:  On a motion made by Edie, seconded by Karen, the board voted all in favor sign the “Order of Taking, In Connection With the Alteration of Redemption Rock Trail (Routes 31 & 140), Main Street (Route 140) and East Princeton Road (Route 31)”.

Annual Town Meeting Matters:

  • Facilities Steering Committee – Discussion on the FSC charge and their role moving forward. Richy agreed to contact Mary Jo on the subject of the June 25th ballot question on the Public Safety Complex to see how the S.B. can help the FSC in preparing for the ballot vote and what the FSC’s thoughts are on next steps for Bagg Hall.
  • Public Safety Complex Building Committee - To be prepared to advertise for a building committee for the public safety complex, assuming it passes the ballot, Karen agreed to prepare a draft charge for the potential committee. The S.B. agreed that the stabilization work did not require a committee, as much of the work has been decided upon and asked Nina to move forward with the projects pulling in volunteers, as needed.
  • Public Safety Complex Ballot Election Question – Nina recommended that the S.B. vote to approve and place a proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion question on the ballot, with language as recommended by Bond Counsel.
ACTION:  On a motion made by Edie, seconded by Karen, the board voted all in favor to place proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion question on the ballot, with language to be recommended by Bond Counsel.

Board and Committee Terms Expiring June 30, 2018 – Richy had begun the process to seek policies and best practices from other towns relative to board and committee re-appointments and appointments, which he had previously circulated. The board agreed to send out letters to each board or committee member whose term expired this June 30th, notifying them of any new procedures and encouraging them to re-apply. The S.B. would like to incorporate additional questions into the application process. Edie agreed to prepare draft application questions, and a letter template for the notice to board and committee members whose terms expire June 30th.

Adjourn 3:29 PM

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Order of Taking, In Connection With the Alteration of Redemption Rock Trail (Routes 31 & 140), Main Street (Route 140) and East Princeton Road (Route 31)